Curriculum Vitae


Elias VavourasLecturer, University of Western Macedonia

Elias Vavouras is a Doctor of Philosophy of the Department of Philosophy of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Postdoctoral Researcher at the University Western Macedonia. He has taught philosophy at the Department of Philosophy of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, at The Open University of Cyprus, at the  University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki, at the University of Jyväskylä and elsewhere. His research interests focus on the disciplines of Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Economics, Ancient Greek Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Modern and Contemporary Moral and Political Philosophy. Since 2010 he is the Editor of the scientific journal Philosophein ( and Editor of the international scientific journal Dia-noesis: A Journal of Philosophy ( He has published numerous articles in Greek and international scientific journals and has participated in international scientific conferences.


Tel: 6972438881





     1. Elias Vavouras, Plato, Gorgias (philosophical monograph: Elias Vavouras, The right of the most powerful in Ancient Greek Thought "The philosophical origins of the idea", pp. 23-314, translation, philosophical analysis, commentary), Prf. T. P Valala, Zitros 2008.

     2. Elias Vavouras, Plato, Politicus (Statesman) (philosophical monograph: Elias Vavouras, The Origins of Platonic Political Science "A philosophical interpretation of the Politicus", pp. 39-288, commentary), trnsl. Th. Mavropoulos, Prf. K. Zouraris, Zitros 2010.

     3. Elias Vavouras, The "Political Man" in Ancient Greece: The philosophical origins of the political act (From Homer to Aristotle), Prf. P. Doikos, Zitros 2013.

     4. Elias Vavouras, Thomas Hobbes, De Cive, [philosophical monograph: Elias Vavouras, The man-citizen in the philosophical project of Thomas Hobbes pp. 19-90, translation-commentary: Elias Vavouras-Eftychia Firipi], Prf. Aris Stylianou, Zitros 2015.

     5. Elias Vavouras, "Epimeter: The political philosophy of Isocrates: Isocrates the predecessor of Machiavelli and modern political philosophy" pp. 381-521, in Isocrates, The Cypriot speeches, Zitros 2019.

      6.  Elias Vavouras, Democritus, Ethics - Politics (philosophical monograph: Elias Vavouras, Democritean Moral and Political Philosophy: atoms - nature – city, pp. 17-316), translation, commentary, Prf. Sotiria Triantari, Zitros 2020.

      7.  Elias Vavouras, Leo Strauss, What is Political Philosophy? - The three waves of Modernity, (philosophical monograph: Elias Vavouras, What is political philosophy? Natural Right as moral and political philosophy in Leo Strauss, pp. 177-270 - Spyros Makris, Leo Strauss, Theological-political problem, medieval dissent and the crisis of modernity), trnsl. Elias Vavouras - Vassilios Makripoulias - Nikos Tagoulis, Zitros 2021.

8. 8.  Elias Vavouras, "The philosophical masks of N. Machiavelli: Natural right, freedom, democracy", pp. 37-192 in Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, Trans. - Comments: Vasilios Makripoulias, Zitros 2023.


Selected articles in Greek and international peer-reviewed journals:


1. Elias Vavouras-Dimitris Kyritsis, "Tyranny and Education:" The political and moral classification of the concepts in the ancient city-state from the 5th to the 3rd BC. Century; a philosophical return to the ancient sources. ", Philosophy and Education, August 2008, 47-48 (2008), pp. 8-11.
2. Elias Vavouras-Dimitris Kyritsis, "How the young men must listen the poems: Pedagogical, Moral and Political interpretation of a neglected plutarchean text, Philologos 149, (2011), pp. 397-407. 
3. Εlias Vavouras-Dimitris Kyritsis, "The conciseness of education in Aristotle: the relationship between moral virtue and political action (Nic. Eth, B’)", Dialogos,  1 (2011), pp. 39-54. 
4.  Elias Vavouras-Dimitris Kyritsis, "Aspects of ancient political socialization: from the empirical to the scientific social formation", Philosophein, Issue 2, June 2010, pp. 16-26.!181&authkey=!ADZEDDJoCBdz42g 
5. Elias Vavouras, "Isocrates:  a  Machiavellian of the 4th BC. century. "Aspects  of Isocratic Political Philosophy", Greek Philosophical Review, 28 (2011), 115-134. 
6. Elias Vavouras, "History and Life in Nietzsche's Philosophy", Philosophy and Education, 55 (2010), 31-34.  
7. Elias Vavouras, " Book Review: Giannis Plaggesis, Modern political and social philosophy: From Machiavelli to Marx", Philosophein, Issue 2, June 2010.!160&authkey=!AAOt8S5rulZxAks    
8. Elias Vavouras, "The Philosopher against Many: Unity against Multiplicity", Philosophein, Issue 4, June 2011, pp. 25-38.!154&authkey=!AI47mQJR1K-wQtM
9. Elias Vavouras, "The concept of natural power as a basic factor of politics in Thucydides and Spinoza", Philosophein, Issue 6, June 2012 pp. 36-53.!109&authkey=!AAdon2uvHYF50xw  
10. Elias Vavouras, “Aristotle, On genesis and corruption”, Philosophein , Issue 7, January 2013 pp. 245-254.!242&authkey=!AD3AAI3TOzMB8gI  
11. Elias Vavouras, "Life: the eternal project of human nature, From Callicles to NietzschePhilosophein, Issue 8, pp. 21-38, June 2013. https: // skydrive resid = D60DF1AF710FC282! 266 & authkey =! ADVi2MjwBbmOmUM 

    12. Elias Vavouras, “The concept of liberty in the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes: convergences and divergences in comparison to the classics”, SKEPSIS, 23, p. 394 - 404.  

    13. Elias Vavouras, "The concept of the natural slave in Aristotle and Nietzsche", Philosophein, Issue 9, pp. 51-68, January 2014.

14. Elias Vavouras, "Plato and Castoriadis: a dispute about measure", Philosophein, Issue 10, pp. 35-50, June 2014.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3WgmjDDMxHfEHd9to3?e=3OHAg3
15. Elias Vavouras, "Aspects of political necessity in ancient Greece under the philosophical criticism of Thomas Hobbes", article (June 2016) in the honorary volume of the University of Patras in honor of Professor Augustos Bayonas, pp. 9-22.  
16. Elias Vavouras, - Eftychia Filipi, “Is Civilization a source of Unhappiness? The dialectical revival of the question from Plato to Freud ", Substantia Philosophica, Issue 1, February 2015, pp. 192-205.  
17. Elias Vavouras, "Thucydidean, Theoeides (Godlike), Synamfoteros", proceedings of the conference The Synamfoteron: Theology and Philosophy in the State, collective volume, pp. 15-29, Armos 2015.  
18. Elias Vavouras, "The concept of liberty in Aristotle and Hobbes", Philosophein, Issue 12, June 2015, pp. 25-48,.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3Wg1-5EsA2PVL6rFD-  
19. Elias Vavouras, "Plato, Politicus (Statesman)", SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF HUMAN SCIENCES - action "Plato", 2015: 328 & lang = 1 
20. Elias Vavouras, “Hobbes against Democracy”, Dia-noesis: A journal of philosophy, April 2016, pp.105-120.!575&authkey=!AMSrhupIKiNFH-g&ithint=file%2cpdf  
21. Elias Vavouras, “Five philosophical notes on Xenophon’s Hiero”, Dia-noesis: A journal of philosophy, October 2016, pp. 151-168.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3WhGzPuuPitHorVNst
22. Elias Vavouras, "Is Democritus a democratic thinker"?, Philosophein, Issue 14, June 2016, pp. 17-34.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3WhF7qexhNlgphvv89 23. Elias Vavouras, "To benefit your friends, to harm your enemies: The philosophical preconditions of domestic and foreign policy in Democritus", Philosophein, Issue 15, January 2017, pp. 19-36.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3WhQ1QMc1Dk0ioyzU3  
24. Elias Vavouras, “The political ruler as a similarity of the divine creator in Pythagorean philosophy” Philosophein, Issue 16, June 2017, pp. 27-46.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3WhSx3rCt6proaEMtK  
25. Elias Vavouras, “Nietzsche and Castoriadis’s Anaximander”, Dia-noesis: A journal of philosophy, Issue 4, October 2017. pp. 105-113.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3WhUpr0dTyMNR9Oz2-  
26. Elias Vavouras, “The medical science as philosophy of human nature”, Dia-noesis: A journal of philosophy, Issue 5, April 2018, pp. 85-96.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3WhVDqMdfhAJWUn0Wt  
27. Elias Vavouras, "The Wife of Candaules: Elements of Political Philosophy in a Herodotean Novel", Philosophein, Issue 18, June 2018, pp. 15-30.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3WhW1OyxtooXv0If4e
28. Elias Vavouras, “Religion as a power instrument of political philosophy in Critias and Hobbes”, Philosophein, Issue 19, January 2019, pp. 19-36.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3WhhO3tH3TdNQobIst?e=KR5a39  
29. Elias Vavouras, “Visions of political philosophy in the Commentary on Aristotle’s Politics of Michael of Ephesus”, Analogia, Spring 2019, pp. 97-106.
30. Elias Vavouras, "The economic man (homo economicus) in Xenophon: Political and economic philosophy", Philosophein, Issue 20, June 2019, pp. 7-20.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3Whjh6cxyTQupLGI2M?e=NXW62R  
31. Elias Vavouras, “The political and economic philosophy in Xenophon’s Oeconomicus”, Dia-noesis: A journal of philosophy, Issue 6, June 2019, pp. 85-95.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3WhnN2BfxWO_oitAJp?e=pRva6s  
32. Elias Vavouras, "ἄρχον δὲ φύσει καὶ ἀρχόμενον διὰ τὴν σωτηρίαν: Nature, dominance and submission in Aristotle and Pythagoreans", proceedings of the International Conference "New trends in research for Aristotle", 2020, pp. 119-126. 33. Elias Vavouras, “The platonic proof of the immortality of the soul with three arguments: a) the argument of anamnesis, b) the argument of the opposites, c) the argument of similarity - Meno 80a-86c and Phaedo 70e-80e”, Dia-noesis: A journal of philosophy, Issue 8, 2020, pp. 127-140.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3WhwU0QamjI320dkmm?e=alIaRi  
34. Elias Vavouras, “Concord as a connecting link between leader and political body in Heraclitus and Aristotle”, Philosophein, Issue 22, June 2020, pp. 7-22.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3WhyMuQ1JIHOO_cYRW?e=ZbURmm
35. Ηλίας Βαβούρας, “The political philosophy as a precondition and completion of political economy in the Ways and Means of Xenophon”, Dia-noesis: A journal of philosophy, Issue 6, October 2020, pp. 183-198 .!AoLCD3Gv8Q3Whw1kL1pnliemAxU1?e=sA1Ra3  
36. Elias Vavouras, " Castoriadis’s Thucydides: Power, Right, Human nature", Philosophein, Issue 23, January 2021, pp. 23-52.!AoLCD3Gv8Q3Wh0guLxDxBth-FTHz?e=Unq0fx  
37. Elias Vavouras-Dimitris Kyritsis, “Perceptions and research on education inequalities: from ancient philosophical thought to the contemporary sociological approaches”, Euromentor, Volume XII, No. 1 / March 2021, pp. 20-36.  
38. Elias Vavouras, “Natural right and historicism: from Thucydides to Marx”, Cogito, Vol.XIII, no.1 / March, 2021pp. 7-20.

39. Elias Vavouras, “Machiavelli: Natural right and historicism”, POLIS, Volum IX, Nr. 3 (33), 2021, pp. 5-24
40.  Elias Vavouras, "Modern Political Philosophy: From Machiavelli to Rousseau"Philosophein, Issue 25, January 2022, pp. 299-306.
41.  Elias Vavouras, "The Machiavellian reality of Leo Strauss", Dia-noesis: A journal of philosophy, issue 12 May 2022, pp. 249-284.
42. Elias Vavouras, "Is there freedom in Machiavelli? The impasse of modernity in the face of classical thought", THEOLOGY 93, 1 (2022), pp. 165-186.
43.  Elias Vavouras, "Is democracy possible in Machiavelli?", Philosophein, Issue 26, June 2022, pp. 7-24
44. Elias Vavouras,- Eftychia Phiripi, "Civilization, a source of unhappiness? The dialectical revival of questioning from Plato to Freud", in Aspects of Applied Science and Technology: Exploring the remarkable landscape of Technoscience, ed. Kostas Theologu - Eugenia Tzannini article, pp. 35-47, Hellinoekdotiki, December 2022.
45. Elias Vavouras, "Leo Strauss's Thucydides: from barbarism to greekness", Philosophein, Issue 27, January 2023, pp. 7-38. 
46.  Elias Vavouras, "Hobbes' hedonism front of classical hedonism and the free market's way out", Dia-noesis: A journal of philosophy, Issue 13 May 2022, pp. 85-114.
47.  Elias Vavouras, - Michael Theodosiadis, (2023). "Religion as a Means of Political Conformity and Obedience: From Critias to Thomas Hobbes." Religions. (Scopus, Q1), 14 (9): 1180.  
48. Elias Vavouras (2023). "Machiavelli's Ethics of Expansion and Empire." Conatus - Journal of Philosophy (Scopus, Q2), 8(2), 703–723. 
49. Elias Vavouras, Spyros Ganas, "Machiavelli on Conspiracies: Political Methodology and Sovereignty", Cogito (Scopus, Q2), 15, no. 4, 2023, 11-29. 
50. Elias Vavouras - Spyros Ganas, "To be happy in every circumstance: The paradigm of the Stoic sage in the adverse waves of modernity"Philosophein, Issue 29, January 2023, pp. 7-34. 
51. Triantari Sotiria - Elias Vavouras. “Decision-Making in the Modern Manager-Leader: Organizational Ethics, Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility”, Cogito (Scopus, Q2), 16, no. 1 (2024): 7-28.!.pdf
52. Elias Vavouras, "Machiavelli's Sparta: The philosophical structure of the Spartan constitution and its inherent weakness", in Brill's Companion to the Spartan Tradition, ed. Ian Macgregor Morris, forthcoming volume 2024.